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Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler
Translations from Bangla literature for readers around the world.
To purchase a copy of my new book THE SHOW GOES ON: BROADWAY HIRINGS, FIRINGS AND REPLACEMENTS click on "Books" below.
Pop-culture omnivore. English/International content marketing & partnerships for OTT. Entertainment and culture writer, publishing in the past. Retirement in the future.
पत्रकारिता का विद्यार्थी
गाँव का बाशिंदा, पेशे से पत्रकार, अथातो घुमक्कड़...
A CS Engineer stuck in the fictional world rather than technical. Reach out to my mail ID: in case you face any technical issue with my posts.
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